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One little girl had many toys in the box: colourful balls, dolls in beautiful dresses, cars, clowns and a little orange tiger. The tiger didn’t like the dolls because they laughed at him. They told him that he was not a real tiger and that he was just a soft toy. They also said that he should live in the box with oranges in the kitchen because he was of the same colour as oranges. The tiger became very angry. At night, when all people in the house were sleeping, he jumped out of the box and tore all the doll’s dresses with his sharp teeth. In the morning the girl looked around and started crying. “Look! Jemma tore all the doll’s dresses last night! Jemma is so naughty!” Jemma was a black puppy who also lived in the house. Jemma heard the girl’s wards and became very sad. The girl gave her dolls new nice dresses.

The tiger was very happy and the next night he destroyed all of them again. The girl was so displeased that she turned the puppy away. Jemma decided to find out who had spoiled the doll’s clothes. She hid behind a big wardrobe. At night she saw the tiger coming out of the box. She began to bark. The tiger jumped out of the window, became free and ran away to the jungle. The girl thanked Jemma

Прочитай текст. Вибери правильну відповідь 

1) The tiger was …

     a) black

     b) orange

     c) grey

2) The dolls wanted the tiger to live in ….

       a) the box of sweets

       b) the box of oranges

        c)   The mailbox

3)Jemma was ….

a )black kitten

b) beautiful doll

c) black puppy

4)Jemma lived ….
  1. ) In the wood

  2. ) In the jungle

 c) In the house

2. Прочитай текст. Вибери правильні відповіді.

  1. Why didn’t the tiger like the dolls?

  1. The dolls were ugly.

  2. The dolls laughed at the tiger.

  3. The dolls were not clever.

  1. Why did the dolls say that the tiger should live in the kitchen?

  1. The kitchen was large.

  2. A box of oranges was there.

  3. Because Jemma lived there.

  1. Why did the girl call Jemma ‘naughty’?

  1. She thought Jemma had spoiled the doll’s dresses.

  2. She didn’t like the puppy.

  3. Jemma had broken the vase.

  1. Why did Jemma fell sad?

  1. She was hungry.

  2. She decided to run away.

  3. She heard the girl’s words.

  1. Where did Jemma hide herself?

  1. in a bookcase

  2. under the table

  3. behind a wardrobe

4-А 18.05 4-Б 19.05

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4-А 19.05 4-Б 20.05

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