6 -А клас (15.12.)

 1 Підготуйтеся відповідати усно на наступні питання

Answer the questions:

Do you like sports?

What sports do you go in for? Do you know the famous Ukrainian sportsmen? Is your      sport very important in your life?

What is your favourite kind of sport?

Who is your favourite sportsman?

Are you a football fan?

Who is famous in football?

What kinds of sports are very popular in our school?

When do you have your lessons of physical training?

What do you usually do at your physical training lessons?

What is your trainer's name?

Is she a good sportsman?

2 Запиши та переклади слова та словосполучення:

Write words, and word-combinations and translate it.

to go in for                      to win                        to go skating              to take part

sport ground                   gymnasium                skiing                         to play chess

swimming-pool               result                         gold medal                 player

sportsmen                       trainer                        competition               to play


3 Прочитай та переклади текст

 Read the text about A. Shevchenko.

    Andriy Shevchenko was born in 1976, a pupil of Dinamo Kiev school of football. He scored 32 goals in National League matches. He is a champion of 1995,1996, 1997. Ukrainian cup – winner in 1996 scored 9 goals in 13 European cup matches. Scored 5 goals in 13 matches playing in Ukrainian national team. He was just 21 when specialist began calling him the most talented player in the history of Ukrainian football, comparing him to the legendary Oleg Blokhin. A brilliant football personality and at the same time/, a model team player, Andriy Shevchenko draws all of the best characteristics of a modern football forward himself. He is called a “ player of the 21st century”.


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