6-А ( 19.01 20.01 22.01)

 6-А (19.01 )

 Good morning, children. I hope you are fine today.

Open writing-books write down date and topic.

Tuesday,the nineteenth of January.

    Our topic is Travelling

Write phrases into your copybook

 Запиши фрази в зошит з перекладом. 

6-А (20.01)

 Modern life is impossible without travelling. Remind me, please, what means of travelling do you know?



                          by ship                     Means of travelling                                          by bus

                                                on foot                                     by train 


Everybody knows that modern life is impossible without travelling. We often travel for pleasure. While travelling you learn a lot of interesting things about the places you have visited, relax, have rest, or work. 

Tell me why people travel?

Reasons for travelling:  ( запиши причини за якими люди подорожують)
To have a rest                        
For pleasure
To study                           
On business
To get new information
To make friends
To get to know about traditions and culture
To get new impressions

 Now try to express your own opinion and say why people travel. All you need is to complete the sentences in your copybook.(Запиши)

1.      Most people like to travel _________________________________________.

2.      Usually they travel ______________________________________________.

3.      When they travel they like to ______________________________________.

4.      People like to travel because it is ___________________________________.

5.      Of course sometimes travelling can be _______________________________.


с.105 впр.1 читати перекладати впр.2 с. 105 письмово

6-А (22.01)

с.108 впр.7  письмово.


Популярні дописи з цього блогу

4-А 16.05 18.05 19.05 4-Б 17.05 19.05 20.05

5 А Б В (25.05-29.05)

7-А 04.04 06.04 08.04