6-А 20.04 21.04 23.04


Шановні учні та батьки! Фотографуйте та висилайте роботи на мою пошту lenstarik9@gmail.com або на Viber 0664836450 Dear parents and children! Send me your homework on my email lenstarik9@gmail.com or you can use viber.My number is 0664836450.Send your photo or call me to get consultation.


Тестова робота на сайті    ( до 23.04)


Для тих, хто не зарєєстрований на сайті або отримав низький бал- тест нижче.

1 Write. Past form.

 have — _________ see — _________ spend — _________ come — _________ begin — _________ learn — _________ speak — _________ do — _________ can — _________ draw — _________ get — _________ read — _________ write — _________ teach — _________ 

2 Read about Linda’s winter holidays. And write about her last winter holidays. 

Every winter I go to the mountains. I stay in a beautiful hotel. The rooms in it are very comfortable! I take my skis and sledges. It is frosty and snowy in the mountains. My friends and I can sledge and ski. In the evenings we come to our rooms and have a rest. We watch TV, play in the snow, make snowmen or read books. We go to bed late in the evenings. Last winter Linda went to the mountains. She stayed. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 

3 Make up questions. 

1) last, Linda, go, did, where, winter? _________________________

 2) What, there, she, do, did? _______________________________

 3) she, to bed, when, go, did? ___________


 с.152 впр.2 (пис. написати доповнені речення)


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4-А 16.05 18.05 19.05 4-Б 17.05 19.05 20.05

5 А Б В (25.05-29.05)

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