7-А 31.01 02.02 04.02

7-A  31. 01 

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 Реєстрація учнів1 грудня 2021-25 лютого
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  Read the text about Charlie Chaplin and do the tasks.

   This is a funny story about Charlie Chaplin. He was a talented theatre and film actor. It happened when the great actor became world famous. Once it was announced that a competition would be held to see who could act like Charlie Chaplin. The actors who wanted to take part in that competitions had to dress like Chaplin. They had to walk like Chaplin. They had to act out one of the roles in a Chaplin picture. When Charlie Chaplin heard about the competition, he decided, as a joke, to take part in the competition himself. But he kept his plan a secret from everybody. When the results of the competition were announced Charlie Chaplin was very much surprised. He didn’t win the first prize.

     1)  Copy the  sentences  and write “True or false”.

·         Charlie Chaplin was a famous chemist.

·         That story happened when the actor became world famous.

·         A competition was held to see who could act like Chaplin.

·         Charlie Chaplin decided to take part in the competition himself.

·         Charlie Chaplin won the first prize in the competition.

     2)  Put the sentences in the correct order. Write.

1)      He kept his plan a secret from everybody.

2)      He was a talented theatre and film actor.

3)      Once it was announced that a competition would be held to see who could act like him.

4)      He decided to take part in the competition himself.

5)      He didn’t win the first prize.

0                                                   04.02

Learn some proverbs and saying about sport 

Здоров’я важливіше за багатство.

 Health is better than wealth.

Після обіду посидь, після вечері милю пройди .

After dinner sit a while , after supper walk a mile .

Головне – участь , а не перемога ..

It is above all to take part in , not to win .

 Швидше! Вище!Сильніше!



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