2-А 28.03 30.03 31.03 2-Б 28.03 29.03 01.04

 2-А   2-Б  28.03

Read the text «Look at the monster».

(Прочитай текст «Подивись на монстра».)
Hi! My name's Zoro. I'm a funny monster. My body is green. I have got a big head. I have got five eyes. But I haven't got ears. I have got one big mouth and a small nose. My lips are red. I have got eleven teeth. They are white and sharp. I have got four legs. But I haven't got any hands. All my body is very strong and brave!
Fill in the gaps in the sentences. (Заповни пропуски в реченнях.)
1. I have got five eyes. But I haven't got  .
2. The  are white and sharp.
3. All my  is very strong and brave.

2-А 30.03 2-Б 29.03 

Listen to the text and choose the right sentence. (Послухай текст і вибери правильне речення усно)


2-А 31.03 2-Б 01.04

Опиши зовнішність хлопчика або дівчинки,намалюй в зошиті.


Популярні дописи з цього блогу

4-А 16.05 18.05 19.05 4-Б 17.05 19.05 20.05

5 А Б В (25.05-29.05)

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