7-А 04.04 06.04 08.04

7-А 04.04 

Buckingham Palace

 Buckingham Palace is the London residence of the Queen. It was built as a
country house for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703 and was bought by King
George III in 1762. Buckingham Palace has been the official royal residence
since 1837.
Buckingham Palace is like a small town, with a police station, two postoffices, a hospital, a bar, two sports clubs, a disco, a cinema and a swimming pool.
There are 600 rooms and 3 miles of red carpet. About 700 people work in the
At 11.30 daily, the soldiers at Buckingham Palace Change the Guard. It takes
about 30 minutes and hundreds of visitors come to watch.
And in August and September you can usually visit some of the rooms in the
palace. But there are always lots of people coming to see them, so be ready to

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7-А 06.04

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The Houses of Parliament 

The Houses of Parliament is the home of the British government. It is a very large Gothic building. It stands on the left bank of the river Thames. There is only one building there but is called the Houses because it is divided into two Chambers — the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The Palace of Westminster, usually known as the Houses of Parliament was used both as a royal residence and as a parliament house until 1512. There are two towers in the Palace of West: the Victoria Tower and the Clock Tower. The clock came into service in 1859 and was nicknamed Big Ben. Big Ben is the biggest clock bell in Britain. You have to go up 374 steps to reach the top. The clock bell was called Big Ben after Sir Benjamin Hall. Benjamin was a very tall and stout man, whose nickname was Big Ben. One day he said in Parliament, "Shall we call the bell St. Stephen's?" St. Stephen is the name of the tower. But someone joked, "Why not call it Big Ben?" Now the bell is known all over the world by that name. 

7-А 08.04

Усно відповідай на запитання

  1.What year did Ukraine become independent? 2. What is the capital of our country? 3. What are the national symbols of our country? 4. What are the colours of the national flag? 5. What do the colours of flag mean? What is the national hymn? 6. What are the largest cities of Ukraine? 7. What mountains are there in the territory of Ukraine? 8. What seas are there in Ukraine? 9. What historical places of Ukraine do you know? 10. What important rivers are there in Ukraine? 11. What Ukrainian holidays do you know?


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4-А 16.05 18.05 19.05 4-Б 17.05 19.05 20.05

5 А Б В (25.05-29.05)