3-А 3-Б Контроль говоріння

                                  3-А  3-Б з 23.05-27.05   

                                Контроль говоріння.

Обери тему для усної розповіді ( текст з 5 варіантів на вибір)  або підготуй творче завдання ( пісня або вірш на англійській мові. Можна у формі відео на Вайбер  0664836450  або на онлайн на уроці).

Приклад пісні .


Variant 1

All about myself

Hi! My name is ______________. I’d like to tell you about myself. I'm _________ years old. My birthday is on the __________ of __________. I’m in the third form.  I am from __________ . I live in __________________________. My favourite colour is ______________. My favourite animal is ______________. I can ________________________________________. I like/ don't like _________________________________________________________.

Thank you!



Variant 2

What is in my schoolbag?

Hello! I’m _______________ and this is my schoolbag. It's _________________ (colour). There are a lot of things in my schoolbag. I've got ________________________________________________________________________________________________. There are ____________________________

___________________________________________ in my pencil case. I like it!




Variant 3

My family

Hi! I’m ______________. Meet my family! This is my grandpa, ____________ (name), and my grandma, ___________ (name). My dad's name is ____________ and he is a/an ________________ (profession). He likes ____________________________________. My mum's name is ____________ and she is a ______________ (profession). She likes_______________________________. This is my sister/brother, ___________ (name). He's/she's very funny! I love my family very much!


Variant 4

My body

Hello! My name is __________________. I'm ___________ years old. I've got _______________________________(long/short) (dark/fair/red) hair and ____________________(big/small/brown/blue/green) eyes. My nose ___________________ (isn't small/ isn't big). My ears _________________ (aren't small/ aren't big). I'm ______________ (tall/short/not so tall). I think I'm cute!






Variant 5

What I can do?

Hi! My name is _____________. I'm ___________ years old, but I can do a lot of things. I can __________ and ___________ really well. I can ________________, too! But I can’t ____________________________________________________.

Now I’m speaking English! I think, I can speak English _____________________

(very well/not so well).

Thank you!



Популярні дописи з цього блогу

4-А 16.05 18.05 19.05 4-Б 17.05 19.05 20.05

5 А Б В (25.05-29.05)

7-А 04.04 06.04 08.04